Monday, February 4, 2019

Monday, Monday.......

Looking down on the raised garden, one can see the snow is almost all gone.  More left later afternoon but now we have frosty ice pellets in the north wind blowing at us with strong winds.  The cold front was glad to push out all that warm air in just a matter of hours.

This is a before shot showing the raised garden being under the snow three days ago. It is the roughest cold spell in our history and we are glad to have moved on from that.

There is a tool shed directly below the deck and this guy first spilled all this seed out of a feeder from above. Now he is cleaning it up from the top of the roof. He also did a lot of mischief with my new bird feeder.
It is time to redesign the feeder.  It stood up on it own in the snow but I can see that needs to be reworded.  I could just put stakes in the soil to help it stay upright.  For now it sits back under the deck on the concrete patio.

It is Monday and we are off to a new start for the week.  I wish everyone to have a good day.


  1. You have green grass now! I know what you are going through with Barney and I understand the frustration of not knowing what is right to do and if there is anything you can do to make them feel better. It is very sad when they get old, I am thinking good thoughts and sending them your way for you, Della and Barney:)

  2. It's nice that some of the snow melted. Squirrels are sure mess-makers! I wish you guys a nice day.
