Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Tuesday’s Token Shots......

Monday afternoon’s clouds kept the day gloomy.  We did not stay warm as it was windy and cold yesterday.

Tuesday morning is looking like this.  It again is a cold day, 9 degrees F., and frost is on things out there.


  1. Thank you google. I guess I had n to make a mistake on my blog because I can’t find a way to edit them. I guess as I get use to the change maybe I can find out if there are ways to do it.

  2. We are 2 above zero today, one more appt done with , Tomorrow is our day off:) We fed Chance browned hamburger and then we put it in boiling water to boil off the fat and then I would rinse the hamburger and drain it, we added hamburger to rice and that was his diet for many weeks. I also mixed up sugar and salt in a dish with some water and froze it to make a slush...he loved that and would eat it out of my hand when he turned his nose up at everything else. I hope you both have a better day today. Pat Barney for me:)

  3. I'm sorry to learn you still are dealing with the cold. I just read Far Side's comment. I'm sorry Barney is not doing well. God bless you all.
