Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Middle of the Week.....

This is the first siting of this guy for the winter.  I had forgotten that they do eat seeds.  I don’t know which kind but I had them at the old place at my tray feeders. He will go to the suet and eat but maybe this one doesn’t want to pick the seeds out from the animal fat.

This guy flitted in a few days ago, grabbed a seed, and went to the tree to eat it.  I snapped on shot and fortunately it was a good one as it was the only one I could take before he left.

The sparrows get hungry with the very cold temperatures. They were flying in this morning in flocks like it was a sparrow invasion. The junco birds will share with them but juncos don’t like all the flittering around that the sparrow will do.

We received a coating of ice through the night causing everything to be iced over and very slick.  I think that the sunshine will get rid of it in due time. It was strange freezing rain as it was such a fine mist as it came down.  I went out to check the mail in the late evening and I could feel the moisture on my face. We are taking my wife’s friend to the doctor this afternoon.  I am betting that most of it will be melted off by the sun even though it so very cold. We are at 10 degrees this morning and it won’t warm up more than that.

We did make it to the bank yesterday.  It is at the other end of town which is 6 miles from our home.  We don’t go there very often so we won’t visit the donut place that often then too. They had a special on a dozen donuts so I bought them and froze a lot of them. I take them out a couple at a time then for breakfast coffee treats.

I just saw on Facebook this morning that the traditional glass is going to be altered with chocolate flavoring added to there glaze.  I told my wife that we will just have to buy a box of them with half and half kinds. I didn’t see if our new store has a viewing window where the customers can watch them being cooked and then glazed while they are hot.  The converter machinery is really impressive engineering.

Thanks for stopping by today.  I wish everyone to have a good day.


  1. Ah, your doughnuts look great our nearest shop for them is 90 miles away. Have one for me! Great shot of the Red bellied woodpecker, up here they eat suet. Great Cardinal shot too! :)

  2. First, Larry the donuts looked sooo good and wish I had a hot cup of coffee when reading this post. And, you really got some great shots of the woodpecker, cardinal and squirrel. We're having some light snow overnight and lots of cold temps so far this week.

  3. I hope the trip to the dr. with your wife's friend went well. I love the photos of the woodpecker and Cardinal. Oh, the doughnuts looks so tasty.
