Thursday, February 28, 2019

The Thursday’s Report.....

He has been returning more times during the day. I can see him coming on the tops of the yard fences.  He then leaps to the to our yard area next to the spruce tree and he takes his same path.

My new globe works great.  I have to use duck tape to make the circle part of the ball to fit more tightly in the hose of the column. I have not decided where I will place it, front yard or back yard. I may have shared this before but I am too lazy to check back on my blog. I am looking forward to sitting it outside in fresh green grass among flowers.

A bad photo shows the new betta that I bought a couple of days ago.  I bought him his own tank rather than putting him with the goldfish. I am going to look for some aquarium plants today that will make him feel like he is in a more natural setting. He of course was hatched in unnatural situations in a tank so he would have a clue what natural means.

Another shot of my one time visit of this woodpecker.  I put out a brand new suet cake for him but he has not returned.  The downey has not returned either. The pattern on the red bellied is such a great one with the rows of black and white feathers.

Our snow really is not going away as he temps stay so cold.  I did notice that the sun beating down on the driveway has reduced a lot of my ice at the top of the incline.  I have lots of ice as that which has melted has gone to the bottom of the drive.  We were out yesterday, taking my wife’s friend to the doctor and there is stuff on the roads that is just never be removed by any blade.  We have to get above freezing to see that thick stuff off of the roads. Walking around in parking lots is such an adventure.

We are headed for groceries today and may stop in at a couple of places in our mall area.  Dressing warmly is a given and warming up the car before we go is a good thing.  Thanks for checking in on my post today.


  1. Such cute prints, scurrying to and fro that way!
    I love the blue gazing ball. It will look beautiful outside. You have me thinking of one now!
    As to bettas, good move to put him in a different tank. Goldfish are cold water fish, bettas like it warmer in the winter. Bettas are such gorgeous fish. You might just get hooked and have lots of different colors!

  2. That squirrel and his path makes me laugh - he is very determined!
    I do wish your temps could warm up and make roads/parking lots safer for you.
    I hope you both enjoy getting out and about today.
    When I look at the pattern of feathers on that woodpecker, I thank God for all the beauty he has placed around us.
    I wish you the best with your new fish.

  3. I just noticed Larry that the betta fish is nearly the same color as the gazing ball. We only had an inch or two of snow overnight on Wed.

  4. Snowing here now. Spring cannot get here soon enough! Some parking lots are horrible with snow and ice, hard to push the grocery cart:)
