Monday, February 25, 2019

Monday’s Mentions.......

The cold air is making patterns in the clouds. North of us is a lot of snow on the ground and the winds are still blowing. I didn’t know what to expect this morning as I looked out but this is a new variety of kinds of cloud formations for me.

I have the sidewalks and driveway shoveled but they are not clear.  The day before when it rained in the night, it cause us to have layers of rough ice on the sidewalks. It also messed with the snow in the streets. When they piled the street snow in my driveway it was filled with large ice cubes of snow and ice.  The snowblower would not touch that. I had to pull out the old fashion tool called a shovel, to lift that out of there.  This morning I found myself ice sliding down the drive as I took out the garbage.

The red twig dogwood shrubs are really turned red in color right now.  I don’t understand why all seven of them are not red but I am guessing that they may be a couple of varieties planted in that row against the fence.

My wife looked at this last night while she was downstairs and said that looked like an artist work pile.  It is the pile of mat board, backing, and the print in a roll, ready for me to cut it and assemble it.

I picked up a new sculpture to place among the plants.  It is a roughly made thing, cast out of a cement kind of material.  It will keep the rabbit company over there in the area of the plants.

I shared this on my photo blog of the wind blowing the feathers of the junco.  We had strong winds all day yesterday.  It was blowing our new four inch snow around while just north of us ten miles or so it was blowing the ten inches of snow.   North of us 20 miles or so, the I-35 highway was closed.  They shut it down all the way to Minnesota. They had to spend most of the day going in and rescue all the stranded motorists. We were fortunate that we were on the border line and received less snow that most of the rest of the state. I think if we bundle up to stay warm that we really could get out today.  We have a bright, shiny day today with a
3 degree F. temperature. I thank you for stopping by the post today.

1 comment:

  1. Good Evening, The clouds and the bird in the wind are amazing photos. I'm thankful you did have some sun today. Karen was without power for a few hours due to downed trees. I always loved your red twig dogwoods. I hope you both have a pleasant evening.
