Sunday, February 24, 2019

The Weather Report.....Whiteout.

The rain storms in the afternoon on Saturday mad it look like this on our window. We warmed up enough to have rain, then we had sleet, and then it snowed in the late evening.  The winds now blow at a peak of 55 mph. We had less snow than those north of us but four inches is enough to blow and make whiteout conditions.

The deck did get some melting yesterday afternoon and there are now icicles hanging underneath the deck. The snow in the night did fill this back in and the wind is shifting snow.

The drift is back and my footprints are filled in again this morning.  I need to mess up the fresh snow and walk out to put more seed in the feeder.

A shot down the street shows the storm was brewing last evening.  The fog added to the number of different kinds of weather that we have had now. This morning we actually have sunshine and lots of wind.

Our neighbor has three garage openings so his house is mostly roof from the front.  The snow that was still on the roof last evening will be blowing around today.

The water bowls that Barney used have now been taken to the basement.  I ate oatmeal as a kid in one of those bowls.  I have collected the different ones at garage sales.  Barney was getting less mobile  and it was easier to have bowls sitting around the areas in which he was laying. We used them for food bowls too when one or two were in the dishwasher. I will find an empty cupboard downstairs now to store them.

Being snowed in again today will give us a truly day of rest.  I may have to do the snow blowing later today so my two guys up the street can walk to school tomorrow without wading in snow.  They are young enough though that they flit through deep snow without a problem.  Everyone take care today. Thanks for stopping in at my posting today.


  1. What varied and extreme weather you are experiencing. It's sweet to see Barney's bowls. I know you still miss him greatly. You two be careful as the day progresses.

  2. More snow that us! We heard you guys migh be the edge of the snow. We are just getting the wind today. (And the cold) I'll be happy to not have any more snow. Our parking lot is a sheet of ice currently. No point in going out if you are going to slip or be blown off the road.

  3. We are white out up here today, back here in the woods it isn't bad but out of here roads are blocked. We put Chances bowls on the shelf in the laundry room, we still get them out when Miss Miney and Elvis come over. We still have his toys in a old enamel ware basin...and leashes in the car...:(

  4. Your weather sounds 'brutal'. On days like you are having it is definitely nice to be warm, dry and cozy indoors.

    Right now at 3:30 EST, it is 85 but with the humidity the real feel temp is 91. Needless to say, the a.c. is running and it is a comfortable 76 inside Plum Cottage. There is a breeze and there are clouds drifting across the blue sky.

    I hope this isn't the start of summer already down here in sunny s.e. FL. We have had it be in the 30's in March, so who knows.

    Have a good week and be safe and well ~ FlowerLady
