Saturday, February 23, 2019

Saturday Stuff.....

Our first grandson, AJ, turns six today.  Time just flies by with grandkids.  He is a lego professor so we sent him one more Lego gift for today.

His birth was a little early.  He was a modern baby with modern dad, as I casually opened my e-mail and there was the announcement of his birth. Cell phones can get the word out immediately. AJ is a pretty neat kid who rides the bus to kindergarten everyday.  He lives in the suburbs of Chicago.

We are at 33 degrees F. and snow is slowly melting.  The blizzard is coming but may miss us this evening.  We didn’t really have a big rainstorm in which they had predicted. Our mound of snow on the deck has shrunk down now about four inches lower. I guess I could have shoveled off the deck but I guess I thought nature could do its thing.


  1. Happy Birthday to your AJ! They grow up so fast! My Grands loved legs too! Great fun for boys, they also like Knex another building form:)

  2. Good Afternoon, I am happy to hear you have warmed up a little. Happy Birthday to AJ. I will always remember that little Ellie was born a few weeks before AJ. Brother Larry and the grandkids are in Hermosa Beach CA this weekend. We have had so much rain. They are predicting thunderstomrs here for 3 a.m. Our forsythia and jonquils are blooming but I can't get thru the mud to photograph them! Wishing you two a quiet evening.
