Thursday, February 21, 2019

Winter Contines.......

The predicted snow was driven out of the area with a band of dry air from the south.  By late afternoon we had sky that look like this.

Looking westward we had this view of the sun setting among this cloudy collection. I quit looking at the west as it seemed like we had too many thick clouds.

My squirrel, Big Bird, was busy emptying the feeder out onto the ground for all of the birds, rabbits and himself could eat seed easier on the ground. I don’t fill is so often because of this very antic that he does.

A junco is standing on the snow mound that covers the patio table.  They know there is seed underneath that mound but they can’t shuffle that much off with their feet.

The knock out roses didn’t get their fall timing but that is ok.  The photo shows how much snow that we received from two different storms.  Today we have warmed up a little but not enough to cause drastic melting. Maybe tomorrow we will lose some of it at 33 degrees F. or warmer.

It hasn’t been two weeks yet since we lost Barney.  We will miss him for a long time.  It is funny the things we do everyday which always included him. When I had my noon coffee and evening coffee I would have a cracker or cookie. Barney always gave me the look as to say where is my share.  He always got a broken off piece everytime.  He could be asleep and still wouldn’t miss out on that small handout.  We checked in on the old house today and had to wade through snow to get inside.  It too is another memory that we will be working through as we hopefully get it on the market in a couple of months. We have nothing in the house now that reminds us of our living there and finishing it up will be a relief for us.

The snow doesn’t look deep but one would be wading through it if it were walked on.  The snow at the old place was just as heavy and wading through it reminded me of being a kid and we would trudge through it just for fun.  I looked forward today at getting my wet pant legs dried off and the cold wet socks dried out too.   Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. We still miss Chance too, a good dog takes a long time to get over...if ever.
    I got snowy again today too...I have an outside coat and a go to town outside coat gets real wet from snow blowing. We are braceing for more snow. Our squirrels do the same thing :)

  2. Sweet memory of Barney sharing a cookie with you during your coffee break. Every morning for 15 years, Kaboodle would get one drop of half and half when I poured some for my coffee. I think of her each morning when I have coffee. You and Far Side/Connie have had so much snow. I know you are growing weary. Best wishes in the coming months selling your former home. Blessings to you both this day.
