Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Middle of the Week.....

I moved the new feeder back out into the open yesterday.  I knew there was a lot of snow but it was a shock to step into ankle deep snow.  I returned in the same footprints that I had made to get seed.  I guess I had shoveled a path last time when it was placed out there initially.  The feeder itself really isn’t bringing in any fancy birds.  At the old place there would be blue and red birds chickadees and doves.

The predictions have proven to be false.  I think we may have gained two inches of snow and the light snow we are getting this morning is too light to be measurable. The stick in the drift on the deck gained a half inch in its depth. If the wind starts up as they predict may cause us some problems.

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Some slight melting took place yesterday on the south sides of things.  It was no heat wave.  I noticed that the south sides of the blue spruce had formed some icicles on the branches. I don’t think I have seen that before on that tree.  Older houses in towns without eaves troughs had real problems with too many icicles. Newspeople were warning people that they could get hurt while they were trying to removed them from the edge of their roofs.

I will go snow blow the sidewalks in a little while.  I don’t think it will be much work but I will try to get it done before kids get out of school.  They had two hour delay today, which didn’t seem to be a necessary call and the storm didn’t hit us. We won’t go out today though as we got our groceries yesterday. We are good for food supply for quite a while.  I appreciate your stopping by today.  Take care.......


  1. Good Afternoon, I bet these pretty roses were for Della. I see the icicles on the spruce. I know the birds are so happy to have the seed. Do be careful blowing the drive.

  2. Still snowing here, glad to hear you got off easy in snow amounts. I will shovel tomorrow I guess or late tonight IF it stops:) Those icicles on the Blue Spruce are very pretty:)

  3. The roses are beautiful, Larry, and sure they were appreciated on V-Day. Seems like you getting even more sniw than we are in Nashua, NH this winter. The snow on the spruce was lovely.
