Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Winter’s Ways.......

I have a sidewalk and drive way to clear right now.  Blogging seems to be better for my health right now.  I am waiting for my neighbor getting his area cleared and then I can go out. The winds are to be picking up today which means we will blow back in again.

Birds are feeding at the new feeder that sits under the roof of the deck. I like when the junco birds do the shuffle.
This junco is waiting his turn as he watches the others on the feeder. My neighbors playhouse of his girl and now little boy makes a great background for the shot.  It is a fun house to have back there which gives us more privacy from their patio and our backyard.
The neighbors across the street have moved to a nearby town.  They left an interesting pile of patio furniture. I found one thing that I liked in the pile and brought it home.  Today I changed my mind and will be taking it back. The one table on the right is really tempting but I will probably not go for it.  It is a glass top patio table in great shape.  Maybe I need it down stairs on the concrete patio, but it might just take up too much room. I suspect the pile will be there for a long time as it will require them to have a special pickup for it all.

We were on the edge of a predicted heavy snowfall.  We just missed it by 20 miles as we didn’t add much more to our among overnight.  As you can see I need to shovel and play with my snow blower. I guess I will just have to shut this down.

Thanks for stopping by today. The winter is getting to be long now but 36 days until spring.


  1. Interesting pile of "stuff" I would grab the table! Looks like it will be awhile before you melt again! :)

  2. Do be careful clearing the drive. That's an interesting pile of patio furniture. We have a glass top patio table that has been so durable - has lasted thru many moves and all kinds of weather. We are having rain and wind today. God bless you and Della.
