Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Middle of the Week....

The sparrow is perched firmly in the lip of the feeder. The snow covering and cold air is making the birds feed readily.  This guy stayed in the one  corner of the feeder for a very long time.

This is not a scientific measuring tool but it does seem that last few days of snow has built up quite a few inches of snow. We had the warm up last week and the table was completely free of snow.  The number of days of snow on here are t least three and some wind may have helped to build this up from off of the roof of the house.

I am seeing a few more house finches at the feeders now.  The one at the bottom of this feeder posed for me a lot for many different photos.

The sun is shinning in its face helping the red colors to show up better.

I succeeded to get my sidewalk and drive cleared yesterday.  The strong winds did blow a lot of snow but my area really wasn’t bothered enough to cause me to work on it again today.  We are suppose to warm up to 30 degrees today.  We have a shopping trip to take about four miles away and we will pick up a sandwich on the way home.  Also we have to drive an distance to get our taxes done late this afternoon.  I just happen to catch the date yesterday which reminded us that it was today and not Friday.  It will be nice to have that done.

Life is slow for us right now as we continue to heal up from our last six day’s with Barney.  We have had a one then two dogs in our house the past twenty years. It is lonely and empty around here and yet we know we can not have changed a thing. We will redefine ourselves and things will be better.  It does seem like we are starting over in some ways and the future looks good.  I appreciate you all who hang around and check in each day. Thanks for stopping by.......


  1. Lonely and empty here too, we have always had dogs too and it is miserable without one BUT we are not ready for another dog. This was a tough winter weatherwise and Chance would have suffered going out in the extreme cold. We wouldn't have gone to Hawaii if he had been alive because we never left him.
    We have sunshine today and I just came in from shoveling. The power shovel gets alot of the snow but I still have to shovel some.
    I am certain your weather will get better before ours! :)

  2. These are sweet photos of the birds enjoying the seeds. You and Far Side have been blog friends of mine for about 10 years now. It is a blessing to share with those who support us both during the sad times and the happy times. I understand your grief and lonliness without a pet in the house. God bless you both.
