Tuesday, March 26, 2019

1950 and Beyond.....

The former owners left us a couple of plantings of crocus.  They were just buds that last two days and then today they all opened.  They don’t last very long but they are fun to see in early spring. The tulips will have another week or so to develop.
Tulip leaves are not so exciting but there are a lot of new ones planted last fall. I don’t remember for sure what colors they are but that doesn’t matter.  What matters is that I forced myself to plant them way back then with snow threatening in the forecast.

We had weather that looked like this all day.  Today it is brighter but we are slowly moving to a better spring.

I will never get use to the idea that our house sits at an angle to the north south axis. When I walk out the front door I should not be seeing the sun on my left upper side. It should be in the south side window. I will probably get use to it but this sun will never thing in our south windows.

Well we started out with eating at the Original Pancake House. It is my birthday today and I will take it in stride. We bought a big tv for our living room afterward for a gift for me.  We will head to an old Italian Restaurant where I will have true lasagna. By the time we get all of the day finish I will be tired. I am going to approach my new age by saying that I plan on having more fun. The birthdays do seem to come around so quickly anymore but as long as I can remember how old that I am I will be grateful.  Thanks everyone for stopping by today.


  1. Happy Birthday to you! Love the Pancake House and also lasagna. Congrats on the new big tv. You both will enjoy that. Love crocus and tulips but have never grown either. May God bless you on this special day. Hope you two have an enjoyable evening.

  2. Happy Birthday to you! Hope your day was extra special! Love those Crocus:)

  3. Happy 🎂 Birthday to you, Larry 🎈 and it does sound like you have a full day! Kudos to you for treating yourself to a new TV. That's what Pat (Grenville) did for my birthday. He bought it and said it was my gift🙂 and now we both enjoy watching it! I know what you mean about getting out and enjoying life more as the birthdays come along and we are both planning to do that this year as we celebrate milestone b-days; mine was in Feb and his is in Jly. Best Wishes, fellow blogger on a wonderful celebration and a long lasting one as well! Cheers 🥂
