Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Wednesday’s Wandering.......

I have no way of knowing if these two are the same as last year’s pair.  The male sure has ruffled feathers.  They walked on my railing of the deck for a very short time and then took off to the neighbor’s fence.

The female cardinal is on stage this morning picking through the seeds to find the best one. All kinds of birds seem to be flying around to day appreciating the better warm temperatures.

My first piece of cake came late evening as we ate out at an Italian restaurant.  It is a second or third generation Italian family that runs it and the food is alway so good.  I had lasagna that came in a big bowl.  It was filled with sauce and cheese and then reheated in an oven. It is a lot of cheese used to fill in the space of the bowl.  I didn’t finish it but I did bring the leftovers home. The cake is a red velvet cake purchased at a bakery.  The frosting is so good on the cake. Both sons called last night for birthday wishes.  The old son and his two boys sang happy birthday to me.  It is a blast when you hear the 3 and 6 year old sing out.

The crocus have not opened for this morning but later this afternoon I can catch them in bloom again.  I need to trim back all of the rose bushes that grow on the next level of this area. I will put that off for another week because I am dreading the job. Timing them back does make them come alive.

Walmart knows my wishes and is now selling a form of a bonsai tree.  I have a lot of doubts about it surviving but at least I get to give it a try.  The tree has been forced into a bonsai shaped trunk.  I can’t have any idea if the treated the roots in the correct way. I do get to now trim out all of the excess leaves to help form it into a bonsai-like tree.  The rocks on the edge were glued there so they would be easier to sell them. If they weren’t glued the rocks, if left loose, would probably not stay there during the shipping and sale of them.   I  could see all the gravel getting caught in the conveyer belts of the store. There was a large tree offered on sale but I thought if this one lives I could always go back and get a different one.  They had an evergreen type of tree that looked great but I can imagine seeing it turn brown and die.

The house finch males are turning more red. This one had lighter brown feathers than the others. I had to look twice to see that it was so light colored.

No big plans today as the birthday day is gone now.  We are getting excited for my wife’s birthday now and our youngest grandson’s birthday.  Also by the end of the April we will have a new grandchild. I need to go buy a new battery for the truck but I first need to get the old one removed.  No other projects going on for now. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. It's so lovely to see the Mourning Doves return, sadly they seem to stay far away from our property, probably because of the cats.
    Birthdays all around, the cake looks delicious !
    Happy Birthday to all :)

  2. Red Velvet cake is one of my favorites. That lasagna sounds delicious. Glad you found a tree to experiment with. How exciting to have more birthdays coming up and the birth of a new grandchild.
    We visited our local Home Depot is so small!! We needed a few faucets and a mailbox. The bulbs and hand-painted rock you shared made the move just fine. We did, however, "lose" zebra grass! We remember digging it up and placing it on our friend's truck, but it is nowhere to be found! lol

  3. Your cake looks wonderful! You should just celebrate all week:)
