Friday, March 1, 2019

Friday’s Findings.....

Informal shot of my office area in the living room. Coffee, the remote, note pad for lists and magazines. My office chair is actually a wing backed chair.

Another informal shot taken downstair with all the stuff displayed on top of my tow cupboard. Most of it could be put away in just a few minutes but I am not in the mood to do it today.

My trip to the pet store proved to be advantageous for the new betta. I found a perfect Japanese garden styled piece to put in his small tank. I also bought some real green plants to grow in there with him.  He seems to be happy with the whole set up.

Going to a pet store wasn’t so easy yesterday, having lost Barney now three weeks ago.  I stayed in the aquarium sales area but a woman with her very young beagle puppy tempted me to go pet the dog.  We both had needs to talk about  as her loss of her 15 years old beagle and how she just now has gotten this new little guy.  I did share that we lost our 15 year old border collie and she and I had a chat about things. Her replacement puppy was getting her up at three in the morning.  She was so pleased with her little one and he was so glad to lick my hand all over as I pet him.  Dog people are always going to be dog people.

I have taken some more successful photos of my new fish.  His fins are fascinating to watch as the swim around.  I haven’t seen him go inside his little temple but I bet he will. The real life plants help make things look better for his natural surroundings. Keeping the plants in the rocks will be a challenge but I can tie them to a rock if I need to do so.

I have always liked this kind of decorations for the garden so to have a small one for the tank made me happy. It does lean for now but I can fix that.

We are having warmer weather today. The birds seem to be eating a lot today and the squirrel is eating a lot today too. The photo of the sparrows are in their staging tree waiting to go eat at the feeder or to go back into the blue spruce tree.  They should eat today as tomorrow we are going to drop into another very cold temperature spell for a couple of days.  Our Sunday is suppose to get extremely cold with some snow.

I thank your for stopping by today.


  1. You have a nice place to sit there. I have always enjoyed your various cups for coffee. I love the photos of the new fish. I look forward to seeing more of him in the coming weeks. I'm glad that you met someone in the pet store who understood your loss with Barney. I find that "pet" people all have a common bond and are very compassionate. We are seeing a lot of chickadees and a pileated woodpecker this week. Sorry you have more cold coming in. I am glad you could get out for a little while.

  2. Nice Beta doe he have a name? We have not been in a pet shop, Chance always was so excited to go inside:) Lately I just miss him something fierce:(
