Friday, March 29, 2019

Friday’s Finds......

Overcast skies seems to be our norm for a few days. The sun has come forth a couple of times this morning.

The crocus do open up during the overcast skies but the do close up in the afternoon because of the cold and low light. I have some white crocus on the property but I am going to have to go out and find them.  I had photos of white ones next to some daffodils in a last years photo.

This planing of chive is already doing well enough for harvesting. Things are green back there but the tomato patch sure looks dead.

The house finch are on the staging tree making plans for something. They have been eating at the feeders. I am thinking that it is about time for them to build nests.  The males are putting out brighter red feathers.
The spring weather today is not going to be very warm but the light is more like spring time as it lights up our house more brightly.
My friend, who blogs from India,  shared a sparrow on his street.  I wasn’t surprised to see they had sparrows but I had not thought much about it. I am sure the sparrow is doing well all over the world.

We are taking my wife’s friend off for lunch today.  It is her birthday and we will give her a good day. She loves Asian buffets and that will be good.  I hope everyone is doing well today.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I know your wife's friend will enjoy getting out to eat. God bless you all. Great photo of the chives. The former owner left a small garden bed and John is clearing it of weeds to plant kale, bell peppers and sweet basil today. I love to see your finches. So beautiful.

  2. Such pretty Crocus! I am enjoying Spring at your blog!
