Thursday, March 28, 2019

A Cold Spring Day......

It is a cold day and some of the birds are out there eating to warm up from the almost frosty day.

The cowbirds like the free handout at the feeders.  They like the vertical feeder and can fit there without falling.

Claus Oldenberg and his wife design large sculptures. The downtown district in Des Moines has a large umbrella that they created.  It is called Caruso’s Umbrella.  This shuttlecock is one of ten or more that are scattered all over the south lawn of the Nelson Atkins Art Museum, KC.  They are unusual to see so large but  they are positioned as if the kids have left them out on the lawn over night after playing the game.

A  borrowed photo from the internet shows two more of them in the front yard. This photo was taken during the summer when you see that green grass and leaves on the trees. I didn’t see leaves or even buds on trees when we visited there last week.
I was browsing through a magazine a few weeks ago, in fact I bought the magazine, but they called these plants snake plants. I know they are sansevieria and there are different sizes and shapes. This is the one that I keep splitting up and planting in other pots.  I have too many of them. I didn’t intend to leave this one here in the entry but it does look good there.

Being so cold outside we really don’t want to venture out but we will.  I need to pick up a new battery for the truck and a bank visit is warranted. Krispy Kremes is next-door to the bank and we will stock up on some of the.  I did find that I can freeze them.  A shot in the microwave will bring them back like new. With birthday cake in the house I can’t justify sitting down and eating them but I can store them when there is an emergency.
I hope all is going well with you all out there.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I love those shuttlecocks!
    I've always known sansevieria as "snake" plant. Another name for it is "mother-in-law's tongue," because of its sharp ends! I had a mother-in-law like that!

  2. It's been clear but a little cool/windy here until today. Today it is warm enough that I left my coat at home. I love those large sculptures - very fun. Your plant is gorgeous. Good to know the donuts can be frozen. I like the idea of having them around for "emergencies!!!"
