Thursday, March 21, 2019

Looking Back One Year

Last year the robin was looking for dried fruit from the ornamental tree.  It worked well for them to get some things to eat as the insects had not invaded and the ground was still frozen keeping the worms asleep.

Last year the house finches shared some of the finch food that I had out.  I just found my bag of finch food in the garage and I do need to get that feeder out there soon.

A year ago I was drinking cider and working on the computer at the same time.  It is my office with the table and wing backed chair. My mom’s Christmas glassed do get used year round for things like cider or apple juice.

It is another mini blog for me today.  Have a good day and thanks for stopping by at my post.


  1. We have Finches and Pine Siskins eating thistle seed here. Hope your Robins find some food! Warm and sunny here today!

  2. I like that Christmas tree glass. I don't have room to store seasonal things like that. My house is very small. Very. Three bedrooms in 960 sq. feet small.
    I love seeing the different birds that visit your feeders.
