Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Wednesday’s a Given.......

In the neighbor’s back yard the robin is looking for living insects.  I don’t think that it is possible for him to find them at this time of the year.

The brass waterfowl remind me of the Canada geese on our lakes.  Some are sitting on the ice and others are standing up straight as if they are waiting for the ice to melt.  We saw open water along the shore of Saylorville Lake yesterday.  The water is being held back so drastically that the flood waters are pushing up on the ice layer.  Along that open water were two Bald Eagles sitting on the edge wishing for a fish to swim by them.

Dinner is ready here for the cardinals and some other birds that like sunflower seeds. It has been cleaned out of all millet by the other kinds of birds so the plate was clean before I poured on the sunflower seed.

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Fun to see your Robins and I hope Iowa doesn't flood like Nebraska:(
