Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Red Flasher.......

It is sort of a red blur but I was glad to see him out there.  I was out of photos and he came to the rescue.  I did get pictures of him that are focused correctly.

I hurriedly took shots of him when he came to the feeder and most of them were blurry too.  But this one is perfect as the sun shines in his face.  I took a lot of shots of him in the tree and at least half of them worked for me.

The wind is blowing around some of his feathers.  He looks thing over at that tree and eventually he comes to the feeder.  He then flies to the north where someone else must have a bigger and better feeder.

Evidence of the heavy traffic to my feeders can be seen in the snow. We are just as cold as ever today. We are  promised thawing by Friday.  I can hardly wait to see the water running down the street gutters. An added two inches of snow is no big deal. We are at 9 degree F. right now and the high will maybe be12 degrees F. if we are lucky. The normal for today last year was in the low 60s.  Spring will come soon.  I wish everyone to have a great day this Tuesday.  Thanks for stopping by today. Have a great day.


  1. Oh my he is beautiful! :) My parents in town have a pair of Cardinals they don't live too far from a river and people along the river have them all year round:)

  2. Oh, my, he is a Sharp-Dressed Man!

  3. I do hope your temps warm up soon. Love the sunshine on the pretty Cardinal.
