Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Middle of the Week.........

  It is a female downey who has come to eat at the brand-new suet cake. Here she is looking at us. It was sort of strange when I first saw this. She seems to be a little smaller than the male downey.
Down the street we can still see the evidence of two different snow storms. We are looking at a high of 29 degree F. today which will help start some melting on the snow’s edges. Warmer temps than that are predicted which should send some of this snow down the streets and into the gutters.
Looking back up the street it looks just the same. The sky yesterday looked like a spring day even though it was still very cold. The clouds are welcomed as it too makes it look less like winter. The snow has settled a lot but it didn’t go away, it just became more compacted.

The sky looked like this as the sun is headed for the western horizon. The trees of the neighbors across the street shows the perspective of its location in the sky.

The male downey came by this morning to take its turn at the feeder. I like how both birds would land on the vertical slats of the deck as if they were tree branches. They don’t seem to startle much when I take their picture.

We are starting to think of spring plans now that it is March but they can just be put down on paper as the spring weather itself is not here.  I think that some melting will makes us feel like we are leaving the deep freeze. Alas we do have snow predicted again but two inches of snow is not a big deal. I am hoping all my blog friends can have some better weather as these weeks progress.  I thank you for stopping in today.


  1. The little female downey is so cute. Great shot of the male too.
    Thankful you are warmer there today. It is fun to think about spring plans right now.

  2. WE are to get dumped on again., sure hope it goes south again:)

  3. That female downey is so beautiful! I'm so accustomed to red heads, she is so striking without one.
    Snow is beautiful, but I remember when I lived where there was lots, it stopped being pretty after a while! Your photos still make it look pretty, although I'm sure you're sick of it!
