Thursday, March 7, 2019

Snow Day.....

I filled the feeders and they all stayed away for a while because I am such a scary creature. About fifteen minutes they started to come from the blue spruce.  They are eating and fighting over the spots at the feeder.  We are suppose to get a light snowfall all day long.

I found out a new thing with my camera this morning.  I was trying to get a focus on the birds and it wasn’t happening.  It was focusing on the heavy snowfall. I had to keep my zoom reduced a little to force the focus in the foreground. The sparrows and juncos are scrambling now as I place a new batch of seed.

I mentioned yesterday how I liked seeing the downy woodpeckers climbing up the wooden vertical slats of the deck.  Here the female has reached the top and is clinging to the edge of the rail. Since the cardinal rarely comes for seed, I am so glad that the two downy birds are feeding now regularly. I did see the cardinal this morning at my staging tree but it flew into the blue spruce and then never showed up at the feeder.  I remember that the blue jays would eat from the pine trees up at the old place so maybe there is something he is eating from the blue spruce.

Iowans are desperate for some melting of the snow to happen.  Yesterday we were at 33 degrees F. for about an hour and the cold ness of the snow itself really prevented much melting.  Roof tops did loose some snow but a lot of them still are heavily covered. I thought I heard a lot of snow leaving one portion of our roof like a load rubbing sound on the roof.  It isn’t all gone and today we ae putting fresh snow on them. This table is going to get shoveled off tomorrow as I am tired of waiting.  I think tomorrow will warm up so we can get rain.

The project for the day is to get the frame cut for this print. The mat is now centered and attached to the print and it doesn’t look lopsided as shown.  I will get the parts cut and then get it all glued up to make it into a frame. I bought the print in a tourist store with lots of Minnesota things.  It was in Duluth where the store had green canoes for sale along with lots of hiking gear and warm coats. My wife and I have not been to Duluth for 16 years or more. Family and other circumstances kept us away, but I bet this summer we will return for a visit.

We ate the two with sprinkles first.  It was a set of red velvet cake donuts.  I cut these in half yesterday morning for breakfast and we each had a half of each one.  The one was red velvet and the other was actually chocolate cake donut.  It is a splurge we do for ourselves even once in a while.  It is clear across town for Kispy Kreames so we get these sometimes instead.

We are having pretty have snowfall right now which was not predicted. I guess I never really think the predictors will be accurate. Thanks for stopping today at my posting.


  1. Good Afternoon, That is a lot of bird activity! So cute of the downey peering over the top rail. That's a pretty picture you have matted. Red Velvet is a favorite of mine....your treats look delicious. Hope you two have an enjoyable evening.

  2. You are kept busy with feeding the birds and moving snow. Us too! Your doughnuts look good:)
