Sunday, March 31, 2019

Sunday Afternoon........

It is too cold for them to every open completely. They have a nice pattern on the outside of each petal.

A promise of sun for this morning but the temperatures did not rise. It is a bright day so that makes it a good day.

The rearrangement in the living room works great but this table doesn’t work anymore. We will purchase a smaller square end table for the spot.  The table is my oak table of lots of history.  It sat in the kitchen of John and Iva Horton.  The kitchen had a wood stove that sat probably four feet away.  It had a old farm sink with a hand pump for water from a cistern.  The stove was eventually switched to propane gas and a well eventually brought water to the same country sink. The table was covered with an oil cloth and two chairs which had not backs were slid under the ends of the table.  I was just in college when I got the table and Iva didn’t really want me to have it if I was not planning to use it.  It has had the honor of being used so many ways including in the living room of our new home. It will have a new use but that will be in the future in a new room.

While looking for an archived oldie but goodie to share to day, I found this. I don’t know if was moved, if I broke it, or if it is just hiding somewhere.  I really liked this mug but I do remember that it chipped easily.  It is a sunny afternoon today and I am glad to post today. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. So thankful you had sunshine today. The detail on the crocuses is amazing. One of God's miracles. I'm glad your new furniture arrangement is working well. The Horton's table is a treasure. I know you two will find a special place for it elsewhere. I wish you both a pleasant evening.

  2. p.s. I always enjoy seeing your coffee mugs! Does Della also drink coffee or tea?
