Monday, April 1, 2019

Signs of Spring.....

The rhubarb has been poking through for a couple of weeks and now there are leaves.  It is a tough plant that seems to be one of the first to be up and the last one standing until there is a hard frost.
The clump of hollyhocks that I had transplanted from the old place has done well. I had to stretch my brain to identify that leaf.  I didn’t remember them being up so early in spring.

I planted this last fall. I will identify it when it blooms.  I have them scattered in a few different places.

The iris is coming back strong.  They have not had a good strong bloom season so this should be the good year for that.  They almost look like they need to be thinned or separated but I think I deserve to see them bloom first.  All the iris did come from the old place. The stray new bulb in front again will have to bloom for me to know what it is.
We have a chipmunk living around our back deck.  I moved the grill out a few days ago and I saw him scurry out from under it.  This morning when I pulled the deck curtains and he was out picking up seed.  I really don’t think in my lifetime that I ever saw chipmunks in Iowa while the ones in Minnesota would tame up for handouts. This one may stay around as there really is not predator out there except for my neighbor guy.

My first blooms this spring will be the daffodil that one can barely see in this photo.  I have some  planted in the front yard that will bloom at about the same time. It was a long hard winter and it will be refreshing to move on from all of that weather.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. How nice to see green poking thru your soil after such a brutal winter. I know you look forward to Della's rhubarb pie. We have a few mystery plants popping up here, planted by previous owners.

  2. You will be having Rhubarb pie before you know it! :) Yeah for Hollyhocks! Save the seed!!
