Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Tuesday’s Trifle.....

The first robin was seen a few days ago.  I didn’t have a camera each time that I saw one.  This guy was caught in my zoom as he sat on the back yard fence.

He sat with his back to me and eventually did a partial turn so I could catch the color of his chest. I have dried berries in the front of the yard in which he will snack on them. I don’t think any females are around yet and I don’t see any nest making going on right now.
Across the street is the last of a snow pile that had been very wide and tall. It isn’t extremely warm so it may take a few more days for that pile to be gone. I have no snow on my property now.  It is all gone.

It seems to be a busy day for us.  I hope everyone is well out there.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I did see a robin in Nashua a couple of weeks ago Larry, but then none since that sighting. We still have much larger piles of snow and hopefully the coming of spring will hasten their departure along with hopefully warmer temps.

  2. I hear spring Robins really like Blueberries:)
