Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Wednesday’s Whimsy...........

The monkey is busy eating sunflower seeds. There are two of them now and the one is much larger than the other. They have made a mess down on the ground where lots of seed has been spilled.  It is the time of the year when I stop feeding so the birds can clean up all the spilled seed on the ground. There is evidence that the rabbit from the blue spruce is feeding down on the ground.
We have been above freezing for a long time now. The green patches are much larger now. The snow in the rose bed is almost all gone.  We are thawing all day today with rain falling off and on all day. We still have some fog in the afternoon.

It is strange to see the edge above the sidewalk is evenly melting up the hill.

In a day and a half the front flower bed appeared.  It was covered most of the winter with snow. The sedum was the only plant that showed through.

I like seeing the water flowing down the hill with great speed.  There is a lot of snow along that road all the way to the top of the hill.

The dieffenbachia has certain grown since I first purchased it. It is growing up big enough to fit the pot that it was planted.

It is a rainy day today, again.  We are in the lower 40s which feels like spring after all our days of cold temps. It is nice to see the green and maybe we can hope that spring is around the corner.  Thank you for stopping by today.

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