Thursday, March 14, 2019

Thursday’s Thoughts......

This is the kind of clouds we want to see this time of the year.  They are breaking up from a rainy spell and we are staying warm.

We are continually melting.  It is not a visible thing but it just keeps being greener and less white. If you follow me regularly you saw all this snow everywhere. The small traces of snow will be gone today in this back yard.
Looking down the street you can see the piles of snow that were created from pushing snow from the driveways.  Being that I have less driveway, I don’t have any evidence of any snow pile.

This is the view up the street where you can see the neighbors tall pile of snow is still there, diminishing by the hour. I have snow yet where the city piled it up while clearing the street.

A blurry shot that shows the cardinal doing his territorial call.  I saw him with a female at the deck feeder for about 20 seconds.  I saw him this morning at the feeder for 40 seconds, grabbing as seed, and then heading for the blue spruce.
The other important part of this photo is the sight of buds on those branches.  That has happen just in the past few days.

He really is a flashy bird with all those red feathers. I had to zoom in to get the shot and most of my zoom shots were not in focus.  He seems to be flying back and forth from the front yard trees to the back yard trees doing his wonderful call.  I have hope that he and his female will nest in the blue spruce.

I have not seen any robins yet but I really have not been watching for them. I was looking at last years photos and I had a lot of them migrate through before bunches nested in the area.

Thanks for stopping by today.  I have the sluggish feelings of time change syndrome. I should be adjusted in another couple of days. It really messes with my ability to get things done.  It messes with my motivation to do anything.  There are worse things that cause difficulty but I needed to whine a bit.

We continue to miss our wonderful dog.  He will be gone five weeks by Saturday and we will move on.  It seems to have changed our entire life now with that void after fifteen years of companionship.  I will see you again on the net, tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. i miss your Barney too. Life is different without a dog. Good to see your green grass:)
