Saturday, March 16, 2019

Weekend News......

Zooming in to see the clouds all around us, they are not very threatening. It is a good show but they are all far away on the edge of my world.

This guy did let me take a few shots of him yesterday.  He liked the black sunflower seeds. I didn’t get a shot of the younger cardinal but there is time.
Another big red in the yard is the red twig dogwood.  The sun was hitting just right yesterday making the red seem brighter and redder. I am anxious to see how the new tree fared over the winter.  It was a redbud tree and I am certain it was very happy to be planted in my clay-like soil. It is just a little early and yet the maple tree nearby is budded already.  The pass is greening but it will need some heat to make any height on it.

The neighbors clump birch seems to be doing well.  The houses in the are a are about fourteen years old so some wise owner planted it early after the house was build.  They never did plant the ornamental pear trees as they opted our tor this better kind of tree. This is the tree that you see in most of my sunset pictures as the top of it always seems to be in the shot. The new owners there have been there less than a year.  The house to the left of it is now for sale.

There isn’t a hanger on it yet but the print did finally get framed.  I cut the frame in the garage yesterday and glued it up immediately.  The Ace Hardware guy perfectly cut the glass for me and the rest was put together late afternoon.  My wife and I remarked how we were glad to have been framers for 30 years but we are glad we are not anymore. I can’t imagine the number of how many pieces we did for all those years.

We are off to the bookstore this morning hoping to catch some looking and reading time.  I like the coffee and cookie thing too.  We are to be a little warmer today and no rain is forecast even though there is still flooding going on with the melting ice in the rivers clogging everything.  Have a good day today and thanks for stopping by today.

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