Friday, March 15, 2019

Friday’s Finds.......

I like how this photo shows the natural view of the bright colored bird among the branches.  It was foggy and the cardinal was brighter in color because of it.  He was concerned about the female that was hating around and that kept him calling out to declare his territory.

Here is a shot of him in an unobstructed view. We had a smaller cardinal on the deck this morning.  He was checking out the loose millet on the deck.  He was not so frightened being on the deck but I sure could not get to my camera soon enough to snap a shot. Yesterday this male and a female were on the deck for about 15 seconds before flying off into the blue spruce. I have not seen a robin yet.  It is just below freezing here so it is a little early for them to arrive.

A drift was created there as the two trees and the fence cause a pocket area for the collection of all that snow.  Weather people tell us that our totals of snow since January 1 was 35 inches or more. It is too cold now for it to melt but maybe by this afternoon it will get warmed a bit.

The neighbors snow from his driveway is still there but it will be gone soon. Right next to that is the peony bed and now tulip bed.  I planted a lot of bulbs there this fall and know that it should be pretty great to see.  I was in a driven work mood and planted so many there with the idea of knowing that it will look so good this spring.  I took out a peony on the end of this bed and replaced it with a down home variety.  I am anxious to see if it will do well there. The one that I removed was placed in the back yard area with it being in better soil.  This bed has a lot of clay in it.

The rocks that my youngest grandson put into the birdbath look good with the melted snow water. Teddy was messing around with the water and the rocks in there really are a good thing. The camera picked up more green color there than what is really there. I am sure the birds are glad that it is now open for them.

The female plastic goose has her head out of the snow now.  It was buried in the snow most of the winter.

We are back to having cold weather this morning with 30 degrees F.  I had a project I wanted to work on in the garage but it will be too cold.  I hope everyone out there is doing well and I hope spring invades us all.  Thanks for stopping by this day.


  1. Wow, you really do have grass there! Congratulations in seeing it again!
    That's a nice photo of Barney.
