Saturday, April 13, 2019

Checking In....

The morning sun is at work warming us up today.  It is time to get rid of the cold air and feel some warmth outside. We had two straight days of gloomy skies. This is a nice change.

Evidence of our gloomy day were shown in these kinds of clouds.

It just kept gray and cloudy all day.  The cold wind didn’t help much to make Friday a good day.

The hyacinths have a great aroma as they mostly all are now open. They will die back quickly so I was glad I got some more photos of them.
The grape hyacinths have filled out now with there blooms looking good for spring. They have spread into the rock area here and also into the yard.  They will get mowed off when the first cutting takes place.

It is time to take it easy on a Saturday afternoon.  No plans for it and I am glad.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Glad to see the sun. I wish I could enjoy the scent of your hyacinths.
    Enjoy your afternoon. We have enjoyed watching The Masters Tournament in Augusta, GA this aft The azaleas are in full bloom.

  2. I like that picture with the sun like a sunburst.
    This is the first year I've planted the big hyacinth, I have the grape ones. Boy, do they perfume the yard! And I only put in three!

  3. Lots of beautiful blues here and sky! :)
