Friday, April 12, 2019

Friday’s Final Show.......

Birch bark is white.  I sort of thought that it was one the past year but I can really identify it with  the sun shinning on it. The tree sits in the back yard, down the hill from the house on the one street over. I think my hill from the front to back yard is steep but I t think theirs is about the same.

My other white trees that we can see from the back deck are these sycamores. I have posted them before but the sun really is lighting them up at this time.  They are on the street two block over that is lined with 1960 ranches.  The whole street line was never incorporated into our town so they are a a row of houses on a street that belongs to the country. I assume it was develop back then and the new city filled in on both sides about forty years later.

He doesn’t visit very often so I do take his photo when he comes by.  The downy has a female partner but I haven’t seen here around for a long time.

We are windy and cold again today.  It is miserable to be out in it but I did survive it.  I don’t think I will make plans to go out again.

Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Good Evening, Oh, the white of the trees shows up so good. Very pretty. I love to see the woodpecker. We were warm today but it was very cloudy and humid. I hope you both are feeling fine and that you'll enjoy the weekend.
