Friday, April 26, 2019

Friday’s Final Report......

The flowering trees are at their prime right now with their blooms. It is so nice to see them in this stage. Most of the year they are not blooming so the week of blooms makes the place look great.

I have a second clump of creeping phlox that doesn’t look so good.  It rained lightly for a while in the afternoon.  We really did need the rain to help the grass grow and the flowers too.  I don’t think farmers have planted yet but some will start soon.  We have frost or freezing weather over the weekend.
A ten by twelve deck is built to the south of the sunroom.  I am glad it is going to be all at the same level.  Some of their models show a step down from the sunroom to the deck. This looks like a mess but it keeps looking better as he keeps adding boards. The small square in the foreground is the landing that we will walk on before we go down the stairs.
Looking out from below of the addition shows we will have a good size deck and nice shade underneath the sunroom. Today the joists for the deck are already on and I bet the cedar boards will go on soon.  I am curious to see if he puts on the steps before he puts down the floor. I am thinking he has to get the deck and stairs to help the crew that comes in to put on the sunroom roof. They will have to carry up the one story to get all of the supplies needed.

Right now I think the posts make it look like a Roman structure. Maybe it will look like a southern plantation. It definitely is going to make the plain back view look a lot more fancy. I am waiting to see what it looks like when it is done before I think about landscaping.  I have seen a lot of examples from the company brochure or computer site that shows many ways people have landscaped the new additions.

The four preformed floor panels were put in place in less than twenty minutes. They were all attached with screws all around the edge of them all.  I think a mother subfloor will go on top of it all to make it very sturdy. The owners were out on it last night looking over things. No walls makes it a little scary.

With the deck being finished the pile of cedar boards will be used up and this pile will be pretty much gone. The carpenter gets to park in the drive and I put my car on the curb in the morning. Our winding street can hand the parking but it isn’t so good with the curve just down the hill. There already is a big tool trailer sitting out there along the street.

We have no new grand baby as of today.  It could be any time now. Our youngest grandson has a hairline fracture in his leg now.  He is wearing a boot and I hope that heals quickly. It adds a little bit of complication to things.

It is a weekend of bad weather for us.  We get spring rains and it sounds like we have a rough day of storms tomorrow.  We are cold enough though that the Iowa-Minnesota border is going to get snow. I wish you all well for today. Thanks for checking in today.


  1. That is a really nice addition. You will love that it is all one level. I'm sorry to hear about your grandson's leg. I do hope the boot will help. Keep us posted on the birth of the new grandchild.
    I've been having to park on our street, also, due to workers here doing various jobs. We had rain during the night and today is so cool and very windy.
    God bless you, Della and the family this weekend.

  2. I bet a boot will not slow Teddy down very much. Sure hope he heals okay. Seems like taller boys have more least that has been the case with my tall grands it doesn't take much to break a bone when they are growing so fast.
    Your big project is really coming along nicely!
    Brought Far Guy home from the hospital late this afternoon we are both tired:(
