Thursday, April 25, 2019

Thursday’s Update.....

We do have two different sunroom stores in our area.  One is in our town that sells sunrooms and builds on screened in summer rooms. The one business we chose  use is about ten miles away from here.  They have been around for many years and have advertised on a local radio station and television networks continually.  Midwest Construction has two sites in Iowa. The northern one has the factory where they make all of the parts that they use to make a sunroom. One can go to the place and walk through two different display models attached to their business. They sell windows and siding too but they are most known for their sunrooms.

One big truck comes from the factory and all of the pieces of the puzzle are unloaded in the yard everywhere. I suspect the head boss did buy his initial framework wood for the beginning of the project at Menards. The head carpenter has everything out there, to pick out what he needs.  As he has worked the past few days the piles are being used up and the yard is cleared. The cedar planking is also out there for the eventually built deck and all the windows are leaning against the house.
The unloading of the truck took place while we were gone yesterday.  You can see the parts are everywhere.

The floor is constructed in the factory with two by six joists and foam insulation sandwiched together. The top and bottom plywood is glued down and the four you see here will make up the entire floor. Four foot by twelve floor panels, that were all put into place in less than fifteen minutes.

The frame work is held up with six inch square posts. Once the floor is in place it will be skirted with large twelve by four inch board pieces.  As I write this the floor is in and those skirting boards are being put into place.

One guy has put most all of this together and now today he has a helper to do lifting and attaching of the floor pieces and trim. It is suppose to rain late afternoon but they will get a lot done until then.

On the garden scene, I have phlox starting to bloom.  I had forgot that I had them.  I think this is the creeping variety. It did bloom last year but I just didn’t remember. There are a lot of blooms that haven’t opened yet.

The tulips that bloom more like roses are all out now.  The petals are fragile and they won’t hang around for very long.

My wife sold a painting so I have a job to do.  I need to clear my worktable and cut the mats for it. As the whole thing is assembled the shipping box will need to be found or constructed.  We probably won’t ship it out until Friday.

We are tied down here at home today with workers attaching things to our house.  We sneak peeks once in a while as things develop but we don’t think we should leave today.   I hope all is well with everyone out there.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Congrats to Della and I know the client will be so proud of her painting. The phlox with the tulip is so pretty. I thoroughly enjoy the process of watching your sunroom and new deck being built. I am the type that when I have workmen here I find it hard to relax....I love to watch but always fear it hinders them!

  2. I am home for a nap. Far Guy is in the hospital with respiratory distress and acute bronchitis. He is a bit better todaay but not out of the woods yet.
    I have the crud too and am on antibiotics.
    I have o0ne of those Buick Encores...we like it you should drive one:0
    Your sun room is going to be fantastic!!!!
