Monday, April 22, 2019

Monday Morning and Beyond......

We started out our Monday with the sunrise looking like this.  It now has rained some from clouds that actually came from the north. I don’t think the rain is going to last for long.  It does keep me from mowing my front yard.  I can always do it this afternoon if it does stop. I check the radar and it already has moved out of our area.

I cut all of my daffodils this morning as we have workmen coming to work in the area.  I figure we can enjoy them inside instead of seeing the being walked on by big shoes.

Our deck is going to be removed today to make way for a sunroom.  We have thought about it for the last two years and a month or so ago we just went to the sunroom store. We picked it out and they will do all the work.  They will give us also a new cedar deck attached to it on the south.  I can still take pictures from a deck but will have a week or so delay to be able to do it. I told my wife that I will be closer to the sun in the mornings.

We get flagged again to show where all the utility lines.  I guess I did see the guy use a device to read where they are but I bet he knew from all of the houses being hooked up the same way from the boxes at the back of the lock.  They need to dig holes for more sturdy posts that hold up a sunroom on the second floor.

I have violets up right now in my corner garden spot.  There are asparagus plants over there and the rest is filled with flowers.  I had five of my peonies grow this spring that had been brought from the old place.  One of them did not survive or it is just slow starting. The violets grow wild at the old place but this one seems to be the only one that I have on this property. I may have brought it in with a lily that I moved in there.

When it warms up today I will have to mow the front yard.  I may just leave this area alone until the grape hyacinths are finished blooming.  We are 67 degrees right now but I think we will warm up more than that.  I have a few yellow flowers growing in the yard that my neighbors are probably frowning it right now.  I purchased a new devise for our bedroom toilet this morn and also so more weed killer.  The top valve of the toilet system apparently got plugged with minerals. The small hose that puts out water to fill the tank kept on with a small steady stream of water after the tank had filled and everything was supposedly shut off. I know how to do all that kind of work but I hate doing it.  I also discovered that my shut off valve to the tank is now not shutting off.

Well I will keep up with progress photos of our new project.  I never liked the back of our houses looks.  This will make it look more appealing with the new additions.  I don’t think I ever posted the back view of our house as it looks like a two story monster with no landscaping.

I thank you for stopping by today.  Have a good day. 


  1. Yeah for a sunroom! I bet you will spend lots of time in there! I didn't know there was a sunroom store! I hope you had a nice Easter!

  2. Your new plans will be so nice. Can't wait to see it all. We've had a lot of rain too and need to mow our grass/weeds! We did find some small Lantana plants today. I am thankful your weather is warming up now. You certainly had a frigid winter. All the best with your new addition.

  3. I think your new sun room will prove much more useful than the deck because you will be able to use it nearly full time. I also wasn't aware that you could shop for one at a sun room store, but then we never had the need to look for one.
