Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Deck Day.....

Our flowering trees are looking good again this spring. We had a rain that should help them to bloom more.

I research these last year and they are  not the pear variety.  They are an small apple variety that hands on the tree in the summer for birds to eat.  Our neighborhood has broken the rules and removed their suggested trees when they bought their property.  One of the streets a few blocks over is still covered all along the street for many blocks. Our street has maybe less than a dozen as they have replaced them with other varieties.
It rained yesterday so they didn’t show up to remove our deck.  But today at eight in the morning they were ready to go.  They also brought their crew that puts in steel posts for the deck and sunroom.
The two man crew are drilling 10 foot posted into the ground.  The machine does a good job and doesn’t destroy the grass.  The two guys running the machine look like they are 14 years old but I do think they might be close to 20 years old.
The poles have this auger on the end that helps the pole be dug into the ground. I am assuming the machine that does all the work also helps to get it vertically in the ground. While that crew works at putting them in, the crew boss is taking the deck apart by cutting it apart.

Cutting it up into pieces really makes sense as it is easier to tote out of here. I assume the young drilling people will help him to carry them up our hill to the trailer.  I haven’t mentioned that it is a noisy process as they cut the thing into chunks.
The deck is being cut into strips so it can be removed one joist at a time with small parts of the deck still attached. I am a recycle person so it hurts to see nothing will be saved.

We are capturing glimpse of the work as the drilling guys put in the poles. One guy seems to be the brains of the process and the other is watching most of the time.

I will stop for today as I need to get the blog posted.  You know that I will keep you up to date on the work. I have been good and left everyone alone.  I met the boss when he started and then walked away.  It will be an eventful day and we will be glad to get this job done today.  Thank you for stopping in today.


  1. It is never easy to walk away from a job that is being done at your own home. I'm glad you can get glimpses thru the windows. Very interesting how they methodically go about this process. I know it must be noisy. I hope it all goes well and I'm glad they got an early start.

  2. It will be worth it when it's done, but I see how you would cringe not being able to salvage anything. If it's redwood or cedar I might have told them to leave the boards, but that's because I have raised beds.

    I hate watching work on my house. I'd rather go away and have it done with I get back!

  3. Can't wait to see the finished product.

  4. Some young just starting out couple probably would have loved that deck! :)
