Monday, April 15, 2019

Monday’s Bunny Shot......

Having presented this on the wrong blog, I will just leave it and add some more to make this blog its  normal length.

I walked our third of a acreage this morning to see what the warm sun is doing to the plants. This row of fern leaf peonies was a great surprise. They bloomed last year and I am hoping that more of them will do so this spring.  I can transplant more from the old place but I do think I have another planted somewhere.

The spirea that I planted in the fall looks like it really want to grow there.  I am sure it will like my clay soil.  Right next to this is planted the redbud tree.  I took a very blurry photo of the tree and its buds.  I was very concerned that the tree did not survive at that spot, but it is doing well in in new home in the back yard.  I will retry to take shots and definitely will have photos of the pink blooms on the branches. I will have to have a lot of  patience to get it to the size I would have liked it to be. Having one growing though is a great joy.

I was very happy to see this William Baffin rose pushing out leaves today.  I will have to get something trellis-like for it to grow on by this fall. It is a climber and is very hearty.  I had found it at Menards last year and bought it immediately. My other one at the old place is still doing well.  It has to be over 15 years old and I kept trimming  back all of the old canes. This one in the photo will have to grow a lot more before I can do any timing.

On stage today is this carrot cake.  It is my wife’s choice for her special day.  I took her out for breakfast this morning and I will take her out for prime rib this evening to finish off her birthday celebration.  We won’t eat a noon meal as two big meals a day seem sufficient.


  1. A VERY happy birthday to Della. That cake looks delicious. I hope you both enjoy your special dinner tonight. God bless you both.

  2. Happy Birthday wishes to your wife, Larry, and what a nice way to spend the day - breakfast out and a prime rib dinner as well. The carrot cake looks delicious, especially if that's cream cheese icing!

  3. Yeah for a carrot cake! Happy Birthday to your Della! :)

    You have stuff growing like crazy there:)
