Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Tuesday with a Late Blog......

The moon was out late afternoon yesterday.  I wasn’t expecting it but we have had so many cloudy days and nights that I was not aware that it was out there.

Another globe is out there in the form of allium. It is a form of an onion but has a tall stem with a purple globe shaped flower.
It is a newer shot of the grape hyacinths. They are getting fully developed with all their purple balls on a stem.

It has been a long day today.  I had a guy who was servicing our air conditioner. He was a nice guy but he stayed for three hours. We had casual conversation about the cooling unit and things in life.  The big problem was the he really was trying to groom my down so I would buy a lot of upgrades to the system.  The air unit is only 7 years old and it is working well. Other things about the installation of the heat/cool unit were deficient to supply enough air to make it an efficient system.  I heard about how my fan was going to be breaking down because it wasn’t getting enough air.  I am old but I am not stupid.  When he was done to show me three options of the bill I took the original one and not the other options to rebuild vents and put on power surge devices. He was a nice guy but he really did ruin the whole rest of my day.  I had already paid for the visit with a service deal but I had to pay him some more to cover his labor to clean the main blower fan from 12 years of built up dust. Anyway, the day is done now and I am moving on.

I have a good cup of coffee and oreo cookies with a peanut butter frosting in between them.  They are so delicious.  Tomorrow is another day and I will get up and be ready to hit the day running.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. That long visit would have frustrated me too. I hope tomorrow will be a better day. I look forward to you sharing your wife's birthday present with us.

  2. We had a plumber installing an outside faucet yesterday, and expected quite a large bill, but to my surprise, about half of what we imagined, it made my day :)
    What a beautiful BIG moon, love this shot.
    The grape hyacinths look so vibrant and healthy, so early in this Spring....
    Have a lovely day Larry .
