Tuesday, April 2, 2019

New Things for Tuesday....

Another mouth to feed in our household.  He was discovered the other day running out from under the grill. He has become brave now as he climbs the spokes of the railing and goes to the big feeder. I do think he is the one that chewed holes in my grill cover when he got lost in it.  I could figure out how the holes were made.

I am getting a lot of blurry photos of him as he just doesn’t sit still.  If he stays around I should be able to get a better shot.  We lived in Minnesota for summers and there where many of these depending on the cabin people to feed them peanuts. This guy is fill up his pushes with sunflower seeds and who knows where he is living down on the ground. Chipmunks can be fun but I have never lived with one in Iowa. Our timber that surrounds our development probably gives them a good place to live.

I am concerned by my memory but I do now know what plant that this is.  I was up at the corner of the garage yesterday and saw the same sprouts.  I really like globe allium and did stick one in up by the corner of the garage.  They came in a very large package so I have them scattered everywhere. They do naturalize and spread and it will be good to have them showing up every spring.
The dwarfed size of the daffodil has started to bloom. They are about the same size of a crocus so that means they are small.  My early crocus are starting to fade so i need to get some more shots of them before they are all gone.

We had a small rain this morning and it seems cool and damp out there.  I had planned to get some work don outside but I guess I need to see it warm up before I go souther there. I am sporting a cold of some sort.  I haven’t had one for a long time so I just think I have sinus infection.  By the way I feel, it is a cold. I don’t have the drive to move around much. We are overcast today which makes it gloomy out there.

Yesterday’s clouds were better looking than today. The numbers of birds have increased with lots of house finches crowding around.  The one cardinal was out to get his photo taken and the downy woodpecker is checking in today.

We received a photos of our newest grandchild in our email yesterday.  The baby is due in a couple of weeks.  We are happy for a new person being added to our family. The whole family will have to make shifts with changes as the new one arrives.  It is such a good thing to be happening and the little one will be one more special one in our lives.

Thanks for stopping by today.  I hope all is well with you all.


  1. We had a couple of "pet" chipmunks who lived under my parents deck in Roswell. I would put a cap full of water out for them and they drank just like a cat or dog! lol
    I'm sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Many people here are struggling with pollen - scratchy eyes/throat.
    I look forward to more of your flowers blooming.
    Blessings to you and the family on the coming of a new precious life. Can't wait!

  2. Chipmunks are rather clever that's for sure. Even though your photo was a bit blurry, the image was clear enough Larry. Congrats to your family on the future new family member.

  3. Chippys can be a pain in the butt...he/she knows that the watch dog is gone...here too. I hope you feel better soon! How exciting that it is almost time for that new baby:)
