Saturday, April 20, 2019

Spring Clouds......

The cloud formations keep changing as the wind blows and also when the sun comes out.

Have one or two bulbs in one place really isn’t effective as one needs a group of them to look really good.  I will work on that this fall trying to plant a filed of daffodils.

The hosts are poking through now also.  They are a tough plant so once they are planted, they are not going to go away.   I like how they multiply.  This one has been in the ground for a couple of years now so it will look full this year. This one is in one that I put in the rock garden area and it really did reach down for soil under those rocks.

The blue spruce is filled with lots of birds. I can hear baby birds chirping up in there but I can not see a single nest.  I think the doves have a nest up in there somewhere. Our view of the tree from the house shows birds coming and going with the tree.

The tulips are now redder.  I need to take new photos as they mature and stay open more.  They look completely red by evening and I need to get out there and take some new shots.

We visited our other bookstore today at the southern end of Des Moines.  We were pleasantly surprised that a brand new Hobby Lobby was built across the way from the bookstore. The whole mall area has increased by a third or more in just a year.  We won’t be just going to the bookstore on Saturdays anymore.  We went today of course and my wife was really pleased. We are learning to be spontaneous and that made our day complete.

Thanks for stopping by on this Saturday.  I wish you all to have a Great Easer weekend. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. You have spring popping up all over! Happy Easter tomorrow! :)

  2. Happy Easter to you both. I love seeing the progression of your tulips. The hosta at our old house was doing great when we checked on the house/yard last week. We did bring a few daffodils with us to the new place. I love your Blue Spruce and know the bird activity is fascinating to watch. We have a patch of woods on the back portion of our lot and then that backs up to a grape vineyard. I look forward to observing what variety of birds visit us too. I love bookstores and Hobby Lobby. It is fun to visit the craft store for the different holidays, especially. Have a good evening.
