Friday, April 19, 2019

Good Friday......

The pair of doves continue to frequent the deck. This one was dancing around looking for stray seed.

The thistle seed feeder was moved to the ledge of the deck and for the first time the doves can feed from it.

The tulips next to the garage door are looking really good. They still were not completely opened when I took this.  It is still cold out there.  We are planning to have warmer weather today but it won’t be a heat wave.

The tulips planted in the peony bed are up and budded but yesterday while it was really cold they still were getting taller.  The tulip bulb is a mystery as to how it grows regardless of the air temperature. The globe allium still has to send up their stems higher before they put out a bloom. My flowering trees in the front yard are all budded and probably will bloom in the next few days.

Things are being moved around in the backyard right now as a new project, yet to be announced, is starting on Monday. I am not doing the work.  I keep moving things around to get them out of the way.  I don’t think this is a permanent display with the wheel and pitch fork but I guess it could stay. The rhubarb is growing significantly and I have asparagus the will need to be picked in the next few days.

It is Good Friday and the week has gone fast.  I really have finished some projects this week but it still feels like winter outside. That does slow me down.  I wish everyone to have a great weekend. Thanks for checking in on my blog.

Our oldest son called today giving us a notice that the birthday gift for our youngest grandson had arrived. It startled us because we also have a grand baby due any day the next couple of weeks. No baby yet.


  1. Nice clear photo of the doves. I love to see the details of their feathers. Those tulips are just beautiful. I bet that call from your son did startle you! Keep us posted about the birth of the new baby. John has fond memories of his grandma in MI growing asparagus. It is very rainy/stormy here today. I wish you both a blessed Easter.

  2. I have a pair of doves hanging around. They usually try to build a nest with three pieces of straw and a stick in an entirely inappropriate spot! Like the top of my porch light, which is a couple of inches space! They are not the brightest birds! I love their sounds. My daughter calls them "day owls."

  3. I love doves and they're a delight to have in our gardens. I enjoy hearing them coo all day long.

    I think you should consider leaving the pitchfork & wheel where you've placed them to get them out of the way, they look very country & nice right there.

  4. A project...sounds interesting:) I like your arrangement with the wheel and the rake:) You will have rhubarb pie soon:)

  5. Happy Easter to you and your wife, Larry. Congrats on the soon to arrive new grandchild as well.
