Saturday, April 6, 2019

Spring is Great.....

The cow bird is not too particular in what it eats from just as long as there is some good seed to eat. I am feeding the birds in a way that they won’t scatter seed so much but you can see the table is covered with seed.  I usually slow down on feeding them as I don’t want the mess on the deck. I am going to be feeding out under the tree eventually and move all but the thistle feeder away from the   house.

I was successful to capture this house finch on the thistle feeder.  I have yet to see a single goldfinch at this feeder.  I use to think that the goldfinch didn’t migrate in Iowa but I am thinking that they do as nothing is at the feeders so far in the way of a goldfinch bird. I caught a lot of fburry shots of this bird at the feeder but this one was the best.

My one red twig dogwood is changing to a different red.  I am thinking it is going to switch to its dark red-brown bark for the summer.  It is strange that each one of the seven or eight shrubs are all at different colors throughout the winter and summer.
No plans for today.  My wife caught a 24 hour bug that made her very ill.  She is so much better but is getting use to eating food again. Rest and oatmeal has been bringing her back.

We are going to be warm today.  It won’t happen until late afternoon but we will hit 70 degrees F. The tulip bulbs and iris are loving this weather.  I am thinking we are now officially in spring weather.  I don’t have to mow grass for awhile but it is greening up nicely.  I am anxious to see how those transplanted iris will do this year as they should have been in the ground long enough to act like established plants.

We are home today and I have a few chores to complete.  I hope all are well out there  and thanks fro stopping by today.


  1. I hope Della is feeling better soon! Wow you have summer weather! :)

  2. I am very sorry to hear that Della is so sick. I know you are taking good care of her. I guess GA has all your goldfinches as we've never seen so many. I love the finch and cow bird. We are warm today too. Can't wait to see all your plants bloom. Our neighbor's irises are blooming and another neighbor has a cherry tree blooming. I hope you won't catch the bug and that you both have a better night.

  3. Sorry that your dear Della is feeling poorly, we had the same bug two weeks ago, hopefully she'll be on the road to recovery in the next few days.
    I love seeing all of your bird pictures Larry, Spring has surely arrived.
