Friday, April 5, 2019

Ten Years Out and Still On It.....

I just was too busy to look it up.  Today I looked up when I started this blog.  It was the third day of February in 2009. I don’t know how I even found blogspot but the school had me blogging about myself back then.  I guess I had to have searched for it as the one the school had me working on was pretty plain and no visuals. I think I over designed it and most teachers I worked with didn’t even do it When I put out my first blog I must have had a header picture but I didn’t post a visual, just an opening statement. I posted artwork that I had done the next day and then I took off.

We had our fist taste last night of the Eggs.  They are a tradition to buy one packaged and scatter out the partaking of them one a day. There is such a variety of candy out there to tempt one as you push a cart around the stores.

I am reworking things in the backyard and bench angel did get taken outside. Thinks are being simplified out there and I am putting stuff inside so I don’t look so cluttered around the deck and patio area.  As I moved to the new place I just placed things out and about to decide on its placement later.

I like taking shots of this guy as he shows what the lighting conditions are like when you photograph hime. It is a dull. cloudy day and the shadows on him are not too dark. I see I have leaves out there but usually they get mowed up when I cut the grass.

Things are looking better out front of the house.  These hyacinths will be open soon.  They must be a shorter variety as they look like they have big blooms but not  to many of them.
The small ones are really amazing flowers.  I can’t imagine how they genetically created such small daffodils.

The cow birds keep coming to the feeders. They really seem friendly with the other birds. They should be as they are the bird that lays its eggs in others nests. They get other kinds of birds to raise their young.

The birds do seem to be waiting in line to eat. They stand and watch before the fly in to an empty spot. I have seen house finches at my thistle feeder but I have yet to see a goldfinch this spring. I mistook a smaller house finch female thinking it was a goldfinch but it was just a tanner colored bird with lighter marking.

We are cool today and the sun is not shining.  Things will keep growing with this kind of whether.  I went to put water in my birdbath yesterday and I was surprise that the rain we had was more than I thought.  I guess it came through the night and was gone by morning.  The birdbath was half full of water.

We are home today with no plans.  I hope all are well out there,  Thanks for checking in....


  1. Reese's eggs are my favorite candy! I love seeing your hyacinths and mini jonquils. I started blogging shortly after my mother died in late 2008. I think you were one of the first blogs I started reading in 2009; maybe I found you via Connie at Far Side. We have enjoyed the goldfinches here this past week and today I saw a woodpecker. We also have rain and the mountain is in the clouds today. I hope you both have a relaxing afternoon and a nice weekend.

  2. I bought Jelly Beans cause I like the black ones...they will be gone before Easter! Good shot of your birds waiting in line:) Hope you have a warmer weekend and send it North:)

  3. Congratulations on 9 blogging years! I have enjoyed having you for a blogging friend over the years!! :)
