Sunday, April 28, 2019

Sunday with Eventual Sun.......

It got below freezing last night and this morning it looks like this.  Taken from the new deck there is no rain in sight for the entire day.

I brought the big rock to this place from the old place.  I planted hosts around the rocks and the three of them are starting on their second year now. One is being the rock but I promise you that it is there. I had to dig down through that rock layer to get to some soil.  I also dump soil in to help get the hosta plants growing.
The New England bluebells are looking better but the weather has been too cold for them to bloom out completely.
The mostly white buds end up looking like this when they open up.  The rembrandt tulip does look like some one has painted them with a paint brush and paint.

The carpenter will be back tomorrow unless it rains too much.
I would never had imagined that we would end up with a veranda.  The space under the sunroom area will always be protected from the weather. The poles are not evenly spaced but maybe some trellis will vines will help to fix that.  It is Sunday and we are getting sunshine this afternoon. I hope everyone is having a great afternoon.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I do hope the rain will hold off and the addition work can continue. They are making great progress.
    I love all the flowers you have shared in this post and the hosta is especially pretty. I know that was a job to plant in that deep rock.
    The folks who lived here had a long RV parked beside the house on rock. We are in the process of digging thru that rock to plant Lantana. What a chore!
    Have a very nice evening.

  2. That deck is certainly coming along, Larry, and hope the rains hold off. It has been nasty and very chilly here in Nashua the past several days and temps are only in the 60s daytime.
