Monday, April 29, 2019

Monday’s Moments......

My wife added a new bird to her collection.  The expression of the face is an interesting expression. 

The red truck of our carpenter is back this Monday morning.  He is adding the steps now so the stairs can be used. That pile of wood and window parts are all gone now having used up all of the wood to make the deck. The boxed parts were moved to the back yard.

I think I counted eleven steps.  The design of our house with a walkout basement means that the first level of the house is a little higher to make the walkout basement work better. 

I have the guy store his tools inside of the basement door.  He had piled them all in a corner outside and I thought rain and thieves would cause some effect to them.  It speeds up his work with the time saved from moving tools back and forth up our hill. The one tool that he uses that amazes me is a drill that looks like a gun.  The power divide is at the top of a two foot rod and he can shoot screws into the deck wood with out leaning down.  The screws are fed into the rod and the screw goes in very quickly. By the time I finish this blog I bet he is done with the stairs. 

The leaves have come out thickly since I last took this photo. The red color does go away as the summer comes.  I am going to go to the old place and do some mowing of the tall grass.  I am kind of waiting to go as it needs to dry out. The whole state did get rain and it is cool this morning.  It takes awhile to dry when it is cold.  We are suppose to get up to 64 degrees F. today. We needed the rain and we will get more April showers durning the last day of April. 

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. yeah for steps! It is snowing here this morning:( Far Guy has turned the corner...we hope!

  2. We are now experiencing keeping up 2 yards, also.
    Amazing to watch how your deck/sunroom are coming together and the tools that make the work easier on the workmen.
    The bird is so pretty - a lovely addition.

  3. That deck is coming along quickly, Larry. It was very nice of you to let the tools be stored inside for safety and saving extra hill walking. Do you have any plans to sell or rent the old place as yard work can get overwhelming with 2 yards.
