Tuesday, April 9, 2019


The grape hyacinth is not at its peak yet. They look weathered but I think they just need some more time to mature.

The greens look good on the plant so I know they don’t really need water.  They just are developing slowly. I seem to have a brown weathered leaf in a lot of my spring shots.

The peony row plus added tulips is trying to take off.  The peonies are just now perking up but the tulips are growing tall quickly.  I counted over 30 sets of leaves among this batch of peonies. I have an old fashion peony newly planted last fall at the beginning of this row.  Most of them are designer ones that the previous owner had planted.  At my old place I have all the old fashion ones that would be seen at an older property. We are starting our third spring here at the newer place so it will be interesting to see how things have developed and how much we will see of mature blooms.

The front terraces do give me a place to grow some good groups of flowers.  The front row is still hard of me to know how to plant after all the bulbs are done with their blooms. I think that petunias seem to work best but we will wait and see what happens.

It will be nice to see the tulips flowering. I have a neighbor lady who has tulips in full bloom.  I don’t know if it is the variety or if the bulbs are sitting in a warmer side of the house.  I spent the morning picking up sticks at the old place this morning.  I can tell it is time for me to get into better shape as that wore me out.  I will be mowing that yard on my own this year so I will be getting in better shape just by doing the work.

We are having a warm spring day again today but it is promised that we will cool down and maybe have rain. Rain seems to be schedule for multiple times this week.  Thanks for checking in today.


  1. We had heavy rain/hail today and it is much cooler this evening. I cannot wait to see your tulips and peonies. The grape hyacinths are a lovely color. We had a lot of leaves to clear here. The young couple who lived here were definitely not "yard" people! lol
    We are going back to the old place Thurs. to clean the pollen off the porches. We have gotten where we hate that drive back.

  2. Some tulips are early varieties and some are mid season and some are late! They do seem to grow better where it is a bit warmer...go take photos of her tulips! :)
