Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Wednesday’s a Windy One.....

The pussy willow branches are glad to be inside today as the weather has changed.  We are very cold today with  a strong wind blowing it around.  It is a shocking change from yesterday.

The pussy willow looks whiter than this when the sun is at the right angle shining on it. They are golden yellow in color when the sun moves west.
Up at the old place the fern leafed peony is sprouting up.  It survived my ambition mowing lady and didn’t mind being scalped to the ground. My peonies like this are not up this much here in the new town. I will have an opportunity to transplant more of them but I think the two or three that I have will grow just fine.  Once they are established their roots are pretty tough.

A blurry shot of the daffodils that I brought back from the old home place.  I spent the morning yesterday picking up all of the winters sticks created by all of the winter storms. All of my snow drifts were gone.  The grass was short and these daffodils were the first spring flowers.  I could see the ditch lilies were up all over and iris was looking good.

If they come I will keep taking their photos. I saw a pair of cardinals at the old place yesterday chasing around in the burning bushes, feeding on dried fruit. I have seen the female at the new place darting around and I guess I did get some photos a week ago.

This planting is still looking good and doesn’t seem to be too effected by the cold wind. The grass was watered well from the melted snow so I may have to mow some of it in another week. I have some big dead spots in my yard which I will work on when the days warm up again.

It is a good day to stay in and drink lots of coffee.  I did go shopping for someone’s birthday which is next week.  I like to start slow and look to see what is out there.  I does bug me is the stuff that isn’t out here anymore.  I can share about that later.  Everyone have a good day today.  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Hope you escape the snow! :) You better find something really nice for someones birthday! :)

  2. I love that fern leaf peony. We've had quite a few sticks to pick up here. We also have some bare spots of grass we'll need to work on as time allows. What a change in your weather! Enjoy your coffee today and keep us posted on the hunt for that special birthday gift.

  3. I smiled when i read that all the snow is gone, Larry, because last night we had such furious snow flurries for well over 30 minutes. It looked as if winter wanted to make a return. Thankfully, nothing lasted on the ground. But today the wind and cooler temperatures are back. Nice to see the cardinal.
