Friday, May 31, 2019

Friday’s Finds for Today.....

The sun actually was pure orange but the camera could not capture it. We are having forest fires smoke in our atmosphere from Canada and it has caused us to have a hazy day.

The new garden by the front door is looking good.  The dogwood shrub will look good there as the years go by. I used some of my grass clippings to mulch the hardy geraniums.

The knock out roses are liking our weather.  They are all in full bloom right now.

As I was trimming grass along the flower borders I kept hitting the iris stems.  The bouquet keep growing as I kept  running into things that I was not suppose too.

I don’t have a name for this iris.  I didn’t keep the label from it but am glad that I bought it. I apparently planted it last fall and it grew up putting out three blooms this spring. I get them at the building supply places but they have very few choices.

I worked outside today filling my new raised beds with seven bags of dirt.  I used the weed eater and got my tomato wire supports on most of my tomatoes.  The day has warmed up nicely and I think we can now use the word “hot” and not just warm.  Planted my wife’s gladiolas this morning also. I have a few more things that I should do today but maybe won’t get to them.  Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. Your tomatoes will like the hot temps. The dogwood shrub and geraniums make for a delightful and welcoming bed along your walkway. That lavender iris is so delicate. Hope you two enjoy the weekend.

  2. That iris is gorgeous. I normally go for the darker ones, but I would grab this one in a heartbeat!

  3. Nice bouquet:0 We had smoke for two days and now it has pushed south. Far Guy has a special mask to wear :)
