Thursday, May 30, 2019

A New Deal....

I have a vague memory of planting this.  I know it is a new hybrid that I bought last year when they were pushing iris, peonies and lilies. It is wonderful and I am certain that it is its first year to bloom for me. I have no blog evidence from last year.

The flag iris started blooming this morning with two blooms opening. I have them planted in two different locations and the other is not blooming.
The photographer leans here and not the raised bed. I finished it yesterday afternoon.  I have put myself behind on my mowing because of this and also the rains. I will mow this afternoon.  My neighbors have lapped me if I were running a race as they are doing their second mowing this week.

I have bags of dirt in the truck waiting for me also to carry them down the hill.  I picked them up this morning as I returned home from our old place.  I mowed up there to get everything looking spiffy for their weekend celebration. In the middle of the night I woke to the idea of what crazy idea was it anyway that I had to make this raised bed.  I am suppose to slow down, not add more things to do.  I did build it as I was tired of fighting the grass that kept growing into the area.

I did take a nap after lunch so I should be able to get back into the races with the lawn mowing. My front yard was so long that I think I will mow it again this afternoon to bag up the excess grass. I am starting a compost pile down under the pussy willow tree.  My wife reminded me that I have a bag of gladiolus that could be planted in that first space.

I have one sick looking tomato in my patch right now but this one has blooms on it. It surprised me to see it blooming but it did make me happy to see. I had picked up a set of six more plants of Celebrity tomatoes to fill in the center of my tomato patch.  There was one dead plant among that packet and that is why I bought it. I did n’t need six.  I crowded the five in anyway.  One dollar and eighty eight cents for the five.

The “knock out” roses are blooming now in abundance.  They opened up the past couple of days and they are looking good.  I do see something is eating on them already.  I may have to get a spray for that.

It is a busy day and I am trying to play catch up from the weekend.  I don’t mow on Sundays and I don’t mow on Memorial Day so I have to make up for two days worth of work. I have sunny warm weather this afternoon and will have to wear a hat while I am out there. I thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Wow that is a beautiful Iris! Good job on the new looks great to me...and straight with the world too:)

  2. I 'love' that first iris. What a beauty!

    Enjoy your raised beds.


  3. I sympathize with you keeping up two yards. It's not easy. Your raised beds will be so nice. We have one in the front and are thinking of adding another, if it cools down a little. Your irises and roses are so pretty. That was a good deal on the tomato plants.
    Our closest neighbors bought their house about six months ago. The former owner put in every kind of shrub and flower there is and the new owners have NO interest!!! They never look at the plants, never water them. They simply have someone to cut the grass every 3 weeks. Currently their mock orange plants are blooming and smell so sweet.
