Monday, May 20, 2019

Monday’s Take on things......

The yellow cemetery iris is looking great. In my young days this type of variety would be seen blooming like this in front of the stones.  It would have been brought from a farmstead home and planted for spring decoration. As the years passed it would take over a lot of the cemetery in front of a stone or on top of the grave area.

The screen messed with this photo but I like the look of my garden area.  I have a lot of variety planted in here hoping to keep it looking like a cottage garden.

The chive is loving this weather.  I have planted it in different places so there is always chive for baked potatoes.

This is anther cemetery variety iris.  Old fashion and small compared to the hybrids. This is the first year for this one to bloom at this new property. It didn’t respond well to being partially shaded but after two years it looks normal in its growth size.

Our three new pieces were delivered this morning. We are pleased with our choices.  They were difficult to get into the room.  We had to bring the couch up from the outside as the sliding glass door would not allow it to travel through it. The chair at the table is temporary as we do have some oak chairs coming to go with it.  Nothing is decided on any of the placement of it.  We did make a move already from where we had originally started.  Bringing the love seat up the 15 steps to the deck was quite an experience. We did it lifting it up one step at a time.

My wife has an idea for a picture to hang in there and we have another idea for a used piece to be a coffee table. Things may get to be too filled up out there and we will just have to do trial and error.

The beginning of a new garden has been started.  I planted the dogwood, variegated leaf, this morning.  We have some nice hardy geraniums to plant around it but we were sidetracked with the delivery.  While he was delivering,  I open up boxes and found that he gave us a dark brown recliner, that we did not order.   I was glad that I caught it as he was going to have to find it in the truck a few houses up the street.  I am glad he was still here.  He was a nice man and we laughed about the mistake. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I love the new sunroom furniture. The cemetery irises are really nice. I like the looks of your cottage garden; chives on baked pot. would be very good. I wish you both a restful evening.

  2. Nice furniture!! You guys did good! I just love your sunroom!!

  3. Love, love the furniture, it's perfect for the space.
    The yellow Iris have such a soft color of yellow, your garden is looking stunning.
