Sunday, May 19, 2019


The globe allium puts out a show for the spring.  I planted these in many places on the property and they look good.  I had forgotten where I had planted some of them last fall but they are clearly in sight now.

I have been ignoring the violets.  They like that as three of them are now in bloom. They like to be dried out a little then lightly watered.

The neighbors have two young children but at one time yesterday there were six or more in the backyard. One of the boys decided to throw a ball into the octagon window of the play house, as seen in the background of this photo. That was a first for me to see but he had a great time tossing the ball up there.  I don’t know if the neighbor will ever put windows in the playhouse.

A gray Sunday with warmer temperatures that will make it a pleasant day.  Our rains have caused thick green grass that is hard to mow through.  We had drizzle off and on yesterday.  I mowed the backyard during a rain break but finished it with larges drops of water on me.  I did get done but I was very wet.

We will be out and about this morning with a rain free day. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I love the globe alliums and violets.
    We once lived next door to a couple who kept several children during the day. The kids delighted in throwing their ball over our fence to John just to get him to throw it back! lol

  2. Your carpet looks great! You will really enjoy that room! Sunny here today but cold:(
