Saturday, May 4, 2019

I need a title,,,,,Saturday.

My red bud tree is giving me a meager amount of blooms this spring.  I know that it takes a lot of patience to see them grow but next year I might have a more showy bloom time.

The hybrid columbine is looking good this spring.  It puts out a lot of nice blooms that I will be taking a lot of photos of them. My neighbor has his side of the flower garden all prepared with weed barrier and a lot of rock.  The former owner had a leave barrier which I have had to dig through to get my thinks planted. I have day lilies and iris planted in the same area.  I also have a few hosta plants there too.
The back corner tree is my temporary spot for birdhouses while the construction was going on near the house.

The tulips from the old place are pretty.  I figure we should just enjoy them here. The lilac busters are not quite open yet. Next week I should be able to get some good cuttings of flowers.
My rembrandt tulips are looking great now as they are in full bloom. I am glad that I got them planted last fall.
These tulips remind me of the ISU colors.  So I call them my Iowa State tulips. The pink ones are certainly pale in comparison.  I don’t begin to have any of this variety at the new place.  I may dig the red and yellow ones and move them.
The sunroom is done as far as the carpenter is concerned.  Monday is the day for the electric  work and Tuesday is set for the dry wall person . Somewhere after that the carpet layers will show up to put it down.  Maybe by Friday we can start thinking about assembling furniture.  I am going to get the grill back out on the deck today.

I have lost track of which photos I have shared but I did just become a Grandpa of a sweet little girl.  It has been an exciting week.

There is room for a grille out here and maybe a small table with two lawn chairs.  We are making the decisions as time goes by.  It is amazing that this whole project was put up in two weeks with two rain days. I never imagined that it would look so good.  The tools all went home on Friday and the carpenter will return to put on some baseboards after the wiring is done. The carpenter whose name is Randy said he had another one to start on Monday.  He says he installs these all over the state of Iowa for the company.

I won’t share any more photos of the granddaughter until I get some new, better ones. She came home on Friday with mom.  Grandma from Chicago area will be there to help for a while until things get settled with the little one and two boys. Dad will be there over the weekend so all will work out well. Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. You have such a great variety of plants in your yard. I love seeing everything. That is a nice place for your grill. The sunroom is really nice and I love the views. Such a nice addition to your home. I can only imagine how thrilled you and Della are to welcome a baby granddaughter! Enjoy your evening.

  2. I love the Redbud. We're going to plant one up here on the shore of Georgian Bay, and hope it survives abd blooms!

  3. Your tulips are lovely! Your deck looks great and the sunroom will be done this next week that was really fast! :)
